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The Combination of Blockchain with RFID Technology

News posted on:- by-RFIDtagworld XMINNOVRFID Tag Manufacturer / NewsID:2544

The Combination of Blockchain with RFID Technology

The Combination of Blockchain with RFID Technology

Blockchain technology is a way for all citizens to participate in bookkeeping. There is a database behind all the systems. You can think of the database as a large book. At present, they are each keeping their own accounts.

Since there is no centralized intermediary organization, letting everything run automatically through pre-set procedures can not only greatly reduce costs, but also improve efficiency. And because everyone has the same ledger, it ensures that the bookkeeping process is open and transparent.

RFID technology has long been applied to enhance the transparency of the supply chain, and blockchains can ensure the transparency and security of the mapping of items from the physical world to the virtual world. The blockchain registers the goods on the ledger as transactions to determine the parties involved in the production chain management, as well as the product's origin, date, price, quality, and other relevant information.

Due to the decentralized structural characteristics of the ledger, neither party can own the ledger, it is impossible to control the data for personal gain. In addition, because the transaction is encrypted and has an immutable nature, it is almost impossible for the ledger to be compromised.

Combine blockchain with RFID technology to crack down on counterfeits and increase customer trust in product supply chains.

First, whenever a product custodian changes, it will scan products with RFID tags. Each scan will update the password of the RFID chip and capture and update the geographic information in the system.

Second, at the time of purchase, consumers can scan RFID tags through smart phone applications to view the supply chain history to ensure that the products are genuine. During the scan, product information such as origin, manufacturer, and appearance, as well as information such as storage location change will also be provided.

因为每个产品都有一个不同的射频识别标签it changes dynamically with updates and password changes in the supply chain, copying or counterfeiting is eliminated. Opening a product or removing a tag will render the tag unusable and therefore not be used for unlawful purposes.

The use of RFID to automate uploading of the main data of the supply chain, so using blockchain and smart contracts, the data of each main body of the entire supply chain is completely preserved, ensuring that the data is transparent, traceable and irreproachable, facilitating anti-counterfeit tracing, and supervision.
