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Hong Kong Fully Popularizes "Electronic ID Card" in 2020

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Hong Kong Fully Popularizes

Hong Kong Fully Popularizes "Electronic ID Card" in 2020

Steady progress on the road to building a smart city. According to the Sing Tao Global Network on the 8th, the "2018 Cross-Straits and Hong Kong and Macao Internet Development Forum" held in Wuzhen, the Deputy Director of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Innovation and Technology Bureau Zhong Weiqiang said that Hong Kong will be all in the middle of 2020. Hong Kong residents provide "digital personal identity" (eID) free of charge, also known as "electronic ID card". He said that this will facilitate the public to conduct online transactions in government and business.

Sing Tao Global Network said that in reality, paper (chip) ID cards, files, social security cards, medical cards, driver's licenses, bank cards, real estate records, etc., personal information is scattered, tidy and trivial. Electronic documents can bring all or part of this personal information together. According to the forecast, as long as two years or so, the Hong Kong citizens' driving licenses and passports can be processed online.

Zhong Weiqiang said that Hong Kong is accelerating the pace of building smart cities and promoting a number of important infrastructure construction. In addition to the "e-ID card", a multi-functional smart lamp post experiment will be launched in the four-person area next year to collect various real-time city data and strengthen urban traffic management; and to provide radio spectrum to mobile service operators next year. So that they can launch 5G services as soon as possible.
